Sunday, September 29, 2013

Alfredo Salomon

During our field trip to Glacial Park, we were able to get up close with nature and observe and interact with the many plants that grow there. One of these plants was the hazelnut tree. By planting and watering these trees, we were able to do some restoration and help the environment back to its natural state. This would be beneficial to the soil and also to any animals that lived nearby. Planting these trees is our way of giving back to the Earth and helping it restore itself. Also, the clearing and removal of invasive species was another way that we were able to take part in restoration ecology. The removal of these invasive species allows new plants and trees to grow in their place and benefit other plants and animals nearby. Overall,I think that restoration ecology is very necessary, as a majority of the Earth's damage is caused by humans, and I think it is now our responsibility to help speed up the recovery of these degraded ecosystems. The planting of trees and clearing of harmful plants is just one of many ways that we can help the environment return to its normal state and by doing this, we can speed up a process that would otherwise take a very long time. Displaying IMG_0932.JPG

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